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School Assemblies

We hold school assemblies across the week and these are important occasions to encourage aspects of PSHEE and to engage in a relevant topic or theme that enhances the children’s educational experience, reflections and a hymn each week.

The assembly discussion will often be of a moral or ethical nature and from time-to-time children give presentations for school assemblies, which help to develop their confidence and are enjoyable for the participant and audience.

We hold an important assembly for the whole school each Friday, which provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the school community. At times we have a visitor from the locality but frequently it is a class from the school that takes this part of the assembly.  We also have individual musical items performed by children and our pupils are encouraged to bring in certificates or talk about awards or recognition that they have received in activities that may not be associated with the school. These assemblies provide an excellent opportunity to acknowledge progress and achievement and each week we award a ‘Star of the Week’ certificate to one child in each class. This can be for effort, progress or success in any area of involvement at school. Our school assemblies are designed to be happy occasions for the school to meet and for us to appreciate our sense of community. We always light the candles on our school birthday cake and invite those who have enjoyed a birthday in the week to come and get a sticker whilst being sung to – including staff!