We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our pupils. We ensure we really know every child, their strengths and their struggles and we work hard to stretch and support accordingly. Yarrells takes great care to provide the best education for a wide spectrum of pupil needs and our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and their team of specialist, qualified staff not only tutor individual children but also work with small groups throughout the week. Our specialist team liaises with parents, teachers and, as appropriate, specialist professionals from outside the school to provide pupils with a structured learning programme. All children have individual provision plans created for them and everyone is involved in ensuring the strategies and action plans are met where relevant. We are proud to report that we have a fine track record of success and can substantiate the value we have added to each child’s learning journey.
Having asked our current parents to describe the atmosphere at Yarrells, the words they have used are ‘happy’, ‘nurturing’ and ‘caring’ to name just a few. Each pupil’s personal, social, health and emotional development is carefully supported by a web of committed professionals at the school. Each child’s form tutor links closely with the pastoral leadership team, the teaching staff, the co-ordinator for PSHE and the SEN and safeguarding teams, and all consult in depth with the Head to provide a strong and loving support system for the children in our care. Parents are involved throughout and we work hard to support children as they face life’s ups and downs, celebrating their good times and supporting in their more challenging moments.